Thursday, January 18, 2007

Technology in Classrooms

I've come to a problem...the schools that I wanna teach at, do not have computer labs with access to all the students (only computer classes have access), and there are no computers in th classrooms, and only a handful in the libraries...what I am to do, if I wanna use ANY technology?

Why isn't our board doing anything about this in the city? There are some schools (not naming names) with an abundance of money, and have everything the kids could want and then
there are the poor schools who really need the funding and are getting nothing....perhaps there is some logical reason for this, I just can't seem to find it.


Alec Couros said...

This is a real problem which we often refer to as "the digital divide", the haves and have nots of technology. There are some things we can do, and we will explore many of these in class. But I think the biggest thing is to make others (including the media) aware of the inequities in our school system. We must give everyone access to the same educational opportunities, and it should not depend on any socio-economic class.

Thanks for bringing up this important topic.

Jenna said...

I just wanted to say that I interned in a school in a very wealthy part of the city. It is actually the largest elementary school. The computer lad had lots of computers, but they were all from the '90's. There was no internet access, only word processing. We had a learn-a-thon to raise money, and bought a lap top cart with 10 lap tops. The school board didn't even put forth money to buy the school computers, the parents and community had to pay money (by sponsoring the students) in order to buy the computers. I think there's something a little wrong with that!!