Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The end...

The end is in sight....I am mere weeks away from graduating and I am sooooo excited because my brain just seems FRIED. 4 years at University has been long enough, I am ready to be done.

I've got a few more papers/projects to work my way through and then I have a summer of no homework, relax and do whatever I feel like...and I'll be making money because I've got a job!! So come end of April, life will be good!!

I am looking forward to have time to read the paper and do other leisure activities like that. I like being up on the news, but have a hard time making time for it with everything else in my life AND school.

Basically I am looking forward to a summer of shutting down my brain and then getting my OWN classroom come the fall (if I get a job)!!

1 comment:

danTML said...

You are not alone in feeling like this. I feel like this all the time! As soon as my internship was over, these classes just seemed to fly by. Now I have my second interview Monday with Regina Public, and the job prospects are looking up! I still sometimes can't grasp the gravity of the situation... like, I'm 22, and in a few months I could have my career job, making $38k a year. That's a lot to me. Anywho...

Dan Benesh