Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ECMP Reflection Part 2

The end is actually here, tomorrow is the last day of classes for me, and thus the last day of ECMP. I have enjoyed my time in this class immensely, and I have gotten a lot of value out of it. What have I learnt?
One thing that stands out is the opensource software and the other software that is found on the web that is free. I like this because I picture myself teaching at a community school, where if students have computers, they are likely not going to have Microsoft XP, or whatever, so having an option to get software, free, that is just as good, is a lovely thought!!

Not only have I enjoyed what I have learnt, I really enjoyed watching the movies done by my colleagues. The videos on beauty and the reality of our culture, wasn't an eye opener for me, but sometimes I get consumed in my subject area and with teaching my students only math, but these issues are more it has led me to ponder how I could go about discussing these topics in my classes.
I'm sure I will find some way!!

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