Friday, January 12, 2007

Curriculum Change

Good 'ol politics...make me so frustrated! How exactly does one go about changing the current education system...or federal voting system? So many things that I'd like to change, but how?
Let's consider the new mathematics curriculum proposed by Sask board of learning, to be implemented in 2010...I went to a session dedicated to explaining these changes and the new curriculum they are planning, and I can tell you there was general outrage from ALL the teachers who were there promoting the idea. The main problem with this system is that they expect grade 9's to make the big decision of what career they want when they graduate highschool, and that will determine which path for math that they take. Is it just me, or does that seem quite ridiculous...especially since a large number of young adults still do not know what they want to do with their life.
Now, this wouldn't seem so bad if the curriculum was designed to be horizontal, then ofcourse a student could choose any path, and opt out at any time...

I thought the board of education was supposed to take in the opinions of teachers, and not just make things up because they know best!??


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